Registration Management

Registration Management

Lecture Attendees must register for each of the three yearly series that they wish to attend. the cost to register for each series of six talks is $25. Since there are more people who want to attend than places available, preference is given to members. The hall has seating for 150 and members are limited to 200. Our expectation is that only 140 to 150 members will register for a series. There is also a membership "Wait List" of about 85 people. Since there is a significant absenteeism, we estimate the probable attendance and fill the additional seats with people from the Wait List. Sometimes after the first lecture we will offer seats to Wait List people, if less people attend than we expected.

  • Not all members and wait list people get seats in the Fall, but they can usually get seats for the other series.
  • Members who miss registering for 3 series in a row are removed from the Members list.
  • Wait List people are removed from the list if they decline or do not reply to offers for seats for 3 times in a row without accepting an offer.
  • Between 10 and 15 memberships lapse each year and are filled by people who have been on the Wait List the longest.
  • When seats are available for a series, we offer places 1st to members, then Wait List people in the order they went on the list. However quite often the time before the series is short, so after a day of attempting to contact a person we move to the next person on the list.

Waitlist Application

The current method is for you to send via email a Wait List Request to the registrar with the following information:

1. first name,
2. last name,
3. phone # and
4. your email address

Please use the link to the


In the near future, we intend to engage additional facilities within the security software, that will reduce some of the burden of Registration and Wait List management.

This is a non-profit club and it is intended to collect sufficient personal information of members, to facilitate membership records. This information will not be divulged outside the club.